Like the Shadows

Monday, 2 July 2007

I was always a troublemaker. I never seemed to have enough with what people gave me. I wanted more out of life... show off what I could be.

When I was born my father told me an oracle predicted I would change Fantasia.

Truthfully, I was quite the bundle. When it came to my "princess" classes, I sucked in most of them. I didn't care about 'cooking' or 'etiquette', I wanted action and adventure. That's why I never quite liked the other princesses. They were stupid girls, who only cared about their clothing and accesories; they didn't work for their kingdom. Everything I did, I imagined I did for Imbross. From all the classes, I just aced music, and that's because it came naturally to me. Nonetheless, I was always the eager learner. Anything that was related to powers and spells, was intriguing to me. I would spend hours looking at my dad's soldiers when I was very little, just staring at them. By the time I had reached "8 human years" I could do double the tricks they could do and I had learned pretty much every spell of advanced magic. I was talented. Inmensely talented. In Imbross, I was loved. I did everything to help my people: spells that would build houses rapidly and efficiently, summoning creatures that would help them carry stuff... In the competitions no one could beat me. I had even learned all of my dad's techniques and I practiced every day, hours... just creating and enhancing my abilities.

My father loved the fact that I could do so much, although sometimes he feared for my life. My spells weren't exactly "safe". Eventually, my mother and father made a decision: they wanted me to go to the best of best academies in Fantasia. I had been accepted, regardless the fact that I was younger than most students.

The first months at the academy were hell for me. I wasn't used to being "diplomatic". I didn't want to be. I was too much of a rebel, spoiled and I really didn't care about anything else. I wasn't popular like I was at Imbross, I was usually left out because I was "the demon" (there WERE other demons, but I was basically the target), and worst... most of the spells I knew didn't impress them. They didn't like anything that had to do with shadows. Most of the time I was alone and I didn't want company. To make matters even more difficult... I started liking a boy... his name was Kaine. We fought all the time, our techniques were completely different, but to some extent we "taught" each other. He wasn't my "FRIEND" but he was the nearest thing to one in those first months.

Afterwards, urgent matters called for my presence back in Imbross. I left the Academy for at least 5 months. In that time I asked my mother everything I needed to know about diplomacy and fixing my looks and... let's just say I learned everything I needed about the social part of being a princess. In those 5 months I was absent, I trained DOUBLE as hard as ever and achieved a level above every student in my class. I had a purpose: proove myself. In that time I matured a lot. However, be it as it was... I was never satisfied.

Imbross always had the strongest link to the underworld, which is precisely what made it so powerful. Every few years, the royals of Imbross were allowed to read from the Book of Shadows. It was Chaos' will itself: every dark spell, every tinge of knowlegde was locked there. It was a mysterious object indeed, but it allowed its owner to understand the true complexities of dark magic. Ever the adventurer, I walked to the Book. It sensed my power, it sensed my drive and my determination to exceed. At first, I proved myself to it by developing every spell the Book sent my way.

Eventually... I opened my mouth (as I'm always good at doing)

"I want us to make a pact" I said quite simply

It was the first time I saw the Book's eye widen. I guess he must've known we would end up pacting, but not that I would suggest that pact. "Really, little Ouun... what do you want?"

I smirked. I had made various pacts in the years due to my nature, but never had they been to such an incredible source of power and knowledge. "We shall be as one, we will link, I will be your source of dark energy, you'll be my source of power."

It quirked its eyebrow. "You are one special child, no one has ever dared..."

I interrupted "I bet you've been waiting for someone to dare." I was smiling. "Listen Book, you're already exclusive to the Royal Family, however what I'm asking you is for a constant source. You will be by me and that way you'll never need others sources... you've seen how I practice... it's a winning deal for you."

It was a winnning deal for both of us. The Book effectively remained next to me, allowing no one else to read its pages. I discovered it would easily lie to me or give me wrong spells, but that same way I would confuse it. It was the darkest and most dangerous of objects... but I always thought it had a weak spot for me. It didn't. I just fulfilled its expectations threefold.

By the time I returned to the Academy I was a completely different person. I spoke my mind, as always, but now people kept seeing me as a leader. I had this aura about me of security... everyone seemed to like it. I became someone admired. In classes I performed spells my teachers had just hoped they could one day do. I was feared by some students, but most liked me. I had also changed my appearance. I wasn't a little girl, but a young teenager. Guys wanted to date me, the girls looked up at me. I was extremely happy. I thought my life was as grand as it could be.

However... I began to fight more than usual with Kaine. He had also changed, he wasn't a boy anymore, he was a man... I had heard just what a great student HE had become and as always, when I saw him again, my heart thumped hard in my chest and that warm sensation overtook me. Before I honestly wondered what was wrong with me. This time... I knew I was.... in love with him. When I used my magic with the best of techniques it wasn't anymore about proving myself to him... it was about being with him.

I remember our first kiss. We were at one of the school's dance. He had gone with his own fucking date... AHEM.... I was with a guy too and I'm telling you, I looked absolutely beautiful. Most of the night he was a JERK and I hated him for it. Every man was looking at me, except him. (or it was apparently so) Things happened and we ended up in a room, alone (I was originally there because my date was going to... well... with me...). He started showing me all these tricks... which I couldn't possibly care less about at this point... and suddenly he showed me his "best" trick. Whao. Now, centuries later, I still remember how shocking the kiss was to US. It was something... beyond. I felt like I belonged with him and nothing else mattered. That didn't keep us from fighting away the next day, but something had changed in me. I knew.... I would do anything for him.

Our relationship was the talk of THE TALK.

It was without precedent... Kaine and I had a tendency for doing things people had never done before. I actually spent some months in Vega. They were the best months of my life! I seemed to be liked by everyone and well, I was also... NICE. IT was just came to me to get along with the Vegalians. I would show them some of my magic and they would show me alchemy. It was fun. It was similar to Imbross... I felt at home. Kaine acted different, I acted different... we both wanted to be with the other. Somehow we were amazingly happy.

As we all know... happiness is temporary and just when we think it's on our grasp... we lose it.

I went back to Imbross. Things were different. I had to attend to all sorts of issues. In one of my trips to the sub-kingdoms... I heard the plot.

War broke out. We were tortured. I destroyed Imbross.

I went to warn Kaine. It was the pact with the book and the watch he had gave me that allowed me to get to Vega. They didn't believe me. They couldn't. How could their live be threathened when there was so much peace? I was to weak and I had broken down completely. I had lost so much in so little time. Kaine took care of me... he believed me though. If he hadn't been there... I honestly don't think I would've handled the despair.

It's kinda embarrassing now that I write about it... I'm not a person to cry or get down, I usually have a very strong streak and I'm sure of myself. Kaine saw me in my lowest moment... I if he had any doubt whatsoever that I loved him, I made my feelings perfectly clear. I was in a semi stupor for some days. When I recovered I was PUSHING everyone to prepare for battle, I was trying to tell the people fighting strategies...

But Vegalians were peaceful.

IT was HORRIBLE. Everyone dead. No one was left alive. I don't know how or why I survived as I've mentioned before... but... I DID find my reason.

Still, I couldn't believe I had been so easily defeated. ME. Ashley Vasser. Well, it wasn't EASY, but damn it, I didn't win... I couldn't protect anyone in the end.

When Draven returned me to Imbross. I made my second official pact with the book of shadows.

"I want the ultimate spells of darkness... spells dark enough that I would unleash Chaos... isn't that what you want?" I whispered. There was no happiness whatsoever left in me... just a void of hatred and loneliness. I wanted vengeance and also the recovery of my beloved Imbross... at least.

"Isn't your primary objective to find Meira now?" it asked.

I stared at it. "That's part of the pact. Allow me to LIVE in the human world, regardless my nature. I want you to give me a human guise that will balance my powers. In return... I'll accept your terms." It knew what I meant perfectly well.

"I will give you the form you ask, in return, I place upon you a power no one has had before. You will become the vessel that shall allow Chaos' reentrance to the world. You will become its servant. You will become... the Angel of Darkness."

I wasn't impressed. Destroy the human world? After I got Meira, why would I care about some random humans. As the Angel of Darkness, I would have power enough to protect... I would be in a state above any other creature, only below to Chaos. "I agree"

When I took the book into my hands, enormous whirlwinds of darkness fused with my body, I could feel every shadow around me and they obeyed me, subdued to my will. However, the strangest sensation were the sudden wings that emerged from my back. I had always imagined dark wings, practiced small spells which created temporary wings. But now... I felt I was walking down destiny's path. I smiled to the book.

"Do you understand the power you now possess?"

I looked at the skies. "You've unleashed hell, Book... wait and see"

Few years later I took a human form... and the name of Ashley Delton. They wouldn't see me coming....

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