We the animals take control...

Thursday, 10 February 2011

I know! It's been a while since I last wrote. You'd be SUPRISED just how much shit has happened and ironically just how lame things are right now. Actually, main reason why I haven't written?

There's not much to WRITE about.

Things that might have some relative interest to the reader since the last time I wrote?

- Giovanni is now GIOVANNA. No sex change involved (at least not like an operation). It was simply a creator decision. I guess "Denial" ain't just a river alright.

- Giovanna and Carol aren't "best friends" (unless friendship suddenly became a hedious excuse for very obvious female attention competition).

- Carol is dating Nathaniel (I know... how did THAT happen, right?)

- Veronique is dating.... eh... yeah, I still don't know who she's dating, neither do I care, honestly.

- Elena is dating Leo. (okay, who didn't see THIS one coming? The tension's been there like forever. One thrashed apartment later they realized they should be together. And it only took like 10 years and like a million dollars in furniture repair).

- Vincenzo and Anna are dating. (I know... I've never mentioned them before so why the hell should it matter NOW? :P)

- Eric and Caterina are still THE ITEM. Whoot for them. They're like the best :) (It's so obvious that I love them too much, isn't it? So I give 'em a hands up, you better too!)

- Lucy got married to someone that didn't EXIST two years ago, so Go LUCY! You forced a character into existence and got him to marry you! KUDOS.

- Draven and Lin are dating. (Yeah, I think I mentioned this one last time. I also give my thumbs up to this relationship)

- Marie is dating the guy who played the Giant in Jack & The Beanstock. (jk. She is dating a Giant, but he's real cool <3 A lot of more love there)

- Kyle is no longer almighty, he just sticks to gambling these days (and well, to woman [except Giovanna]).

- Julian and Rudyard are still the super couple. Who can beat Julian? Pfft. No one. Dude is evil (liking that :D)

- Christian is still loving chocolate (whoot!) but wants to be befriend Kyle (WTF?) to fuck with his head! (YAyz!) He made a small pathetic Cat post some months ago, but we'll forgive him for that.

- Some other characters are fucking around, but let's face it, who really cares about THEM?

Me? I'm still with Rink. OBVIOUS. There's absolutely no doubt there, is there? He's mine! And I love it that way, biatches! :D

And that's about it...

Am I really missing something?


Oh well... ~shrug~

I know, I'm being totally mean in some cases, but let's face it, the more badass, the better. Gimme 5!


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