In Trouble

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

I hate vampires. Yeah. I pretty much hate most of them. The elders are nice, though, but that's because they're the elders. And they're not even nice, they're just... LOYAL, which is something you can't find on your every day vampire.

I got bit by one. But not to worry, I survived and I ended up beating it.

That's why I'm in trouble actually. Draven yelled at me for about 2 hours this morning when I woke up. I'm still slow, so I just heard, while I held my neck. Mysteriously, the wound isn't there anymore; though I still think my blood was poisoned. It's fine now, anyways. My body isn't QUITE like it always is... I have a headache, but truth be told, I feel like I'm recuperating, that's what's important.

They all think of me as a child, and I completely understand them. One day I'll be powerful like them. It's prooved... you can have every technique, know every dark art, but there's that little power that only time gives you. I admire all these 'elders', and I think I've given them something to talk about... I mean... that wasn't an ordinary vampire.

Aside from that, it was Caterina that impressed me. She might not remember some minor details, but she fought excellently. That was awesome... I KNEW it she had it in her and I think she does so to now! :)

Although we're both TIRED as hell.

Personally, I was actually listening in class and I've remained passive througout the day. The only thing that worries me is *MY* dream. Yeah. I'm sure Cat's dream must've been weird. You think it's the effect of this battle...?

Don't tell anyone about this, it's my secret: how happy I was to see him, if only in my dreams, how lonely it gets sometimes when I know that I won't ever be able to forget him.

I DO wonder if I'll be able to move on from him. After all.... it's hard for me to forget, it's part of my nature.

Pfft! In my dream I remembered the first time we kissed. It was INCREDIBLE, so hot and there was this REALLY strong emotion going through my body. HE must've liked it too, because he was SO into the kiss, he screwed up and we went through a wall. I'll NEVER forget that one... and sure afterwards xD he didn't do it again, but that first time was GOLDEN. When I asked him:

"Will we go through the bed if we have sex?" He became so flustered and flushed.

Hehe. THAT didn't happen.

Yeah. MY MIND always goes into THAT. hahaha.

Caterina, I understand you completely... liking someone JUST for the sex and physical attraction... sexual tension... happens all the time. Though be careful, sometimes what starts physically is doubly as strong as if it had started emotionally.

Ow! My head... my whole body itches... Damn vampires. I hope this doesn't last much longer.

1 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

DAMN VAMPIRES... thanks Ash, I'm glad I made you proud, and I'm glad you saw the whirlwind on time, I swear I thought I was going to die... how DID you defeat that thing anyway? And GOSH it SPOKE FUNKY!


SO DAMN CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway I'm crossing my fingers that you'll get better soon.

And that I'll SNAP back to my senses.