Let it Be

Thursday, 14 June 2007

It took me about 10 minutes to figure out what I wanted to say in this specific post.

I started writing half an hour later, after various interruptions.

War. As long as everything remains equal, similar, the same, problems do not arise. When you become different, when you have something others don't, when you exhale at a specific area, you're meant to cause problems. Long ago I thought war was the product of a small group of people who wanted trouble. I don't think so any longer. War emerges from every one of us. I've never met anyone who's "pure". In the end, people just need the conflict; need a reason to fight and proove themselves. If we're honest with ourselves we'll figure that much out. War is meant to happen. There's no such thing as "living happily ever after". That's crap, it doesn't happen. Even though, the fact that war will exist nonetheless, it doesn't mean it's good. Consequently, we reach the conclusion that there's a way to 'treat' war. It will exist, what the "PURE" are meant to work for, is to reduce its effects. I don't agree with war; don't get me wrong. More than anyone, I know just how bad it can be.

Then again, this doesn't really matter. You don't really care what you're reading about, do you? You're just bored and you can't find anything else to do, so you come here and read this.

Listen. Do whatever you want. I could care less what you do. After all, this blog is worthless, I've never really said the truth and I never will. I don't care about anything or anybody. War or Peace, I could care a fuck about them.

Why do I suddenly say this? Because it's true... because in the end, the only thing worth it is what you're willing to give for yourself and yourself.

I'm tired of having to pretend... I keep posting, but with every post, it means lesser to me. It's like every time I just make up something to entertain you people. Whatever.

Entertain yourselves. I could bloody care less.

Have a good day.


3 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

Dude, what's your damage?

Anonymous said...

Ah... Ash... my little drama queen. ;)

Wanna get together later?

Anonymous said...

Bet you can't wait for my entry sweets ;)