I lied.
I'm bored, and unfortunately this is the best way to get rid of all that boredom and extra energy I've had lately.
Caterina and I went to the school auditorium yesterday, took the microphone and had some fun with it. It was hilarious! I can't help it... the sight of a microphone... a stage... it makes me want to use it. I've always adored the attention. We made fun of our teachers and I even got to sing. I know I know! Strange. But it felt like for once I had no responsibilities and nothing mattered.
Minutes after that was over I bumped into Eric in the hallway. He had this characteristic wide smirk, and was staring down at me.
"What?" I blinked, confused at that stupid grin in his face.
"You bumped into me.... you're usually very alert."
"Right." I answered, quirking an eyebrow. The smile was still there. "WHAT, ERIC!?"
"BRINGGGGG meee TO LIFEEEEE! WAKE me up INSIDE!" he started singing lowly.
My eyes widened: he had heard me sing. In fact... he had heard everything. No wonder he was grinning that way. "You... were there?" I know I felt my cheeks growing warm.
"It's okay." He smiled at me, more like he usually did. "I'll keep your secret if you keep mine."
Oh. He was talking about what had happened in the hall. "Alright." I smirked.
He placed his arm around my shoulders. "Now... you must tell me... what's up with looking so pretty... you into someone?"
I rolled my eyes. Okay. So I was dressing a tad bit more sexy than before... that doesn't mean anything. I'm just tired of the "low profile" Draven is always talking about. I need to call the attention. I am what I am after all. I like going into a classroom and have all the guys looking at me (Which is what's happening....... mua ha).
I'm going to prove *HIM* wrong. I'm going to show them all just what my true potential is. Not magic wise mind you, charisma wise. I'm going to have all those 'blokes' eating off the palm of my hand.
Aside from that, I asked Draven to send me some more of my clothes. I left some behind when I came into the Academy. They arrived yesterday and I'm looking at all the beautiful things I own. I've ALWAYS hated shopping, but always loved looking good, that's why I had other people do the shopping for me. Okay. Let's stop being vain... right?
Oh... Rink, if I'm the Drama Queen, you're right up there next to me, the Drama King. "I'm GOING TO go TELL THE PRINCIPLE!" Pff. Please... you just need to hear two or three things about the french and you get all flustered and nervous and your pride peaks up. Awwwwwww.... that's so... Amazing. Sacre BLUE--- I mean BLEU. Don't worry... the french are.... are.... I'll get back to you on that one. But whao. As Caterina cosplayed you, you were doing precisely the same!! It was so funny. But worry not, that's fine, hilarious but fine!! Don't feel so insulted, after all you come from the land of Equality, Fraternity and LIBERTY! You DID know that right? Vive la REVOLUTION!
What ARE you hiding, Rink? Under all that arrogance, what is it you're so desperately trying to hide? I can't imagine how lonely you must really be too. Are you looking for something, for someone? That's the good part about us, who guard our secrets so near, we recognize each other. Oh Drama King, you should really stop playing the part, looking for something to DJ when no sound lurks around.
You might understand a thing or two, but for the wrong reasons. I don't think you really see, and I don't thing you want to do so anyways. What DO you really care about... if you care about anything at all? Eh Drama King? No kingdom to look over?
2 comentarios:
That would be Sacre COEUR! >.<
And no Ashley, I'm not lonely or none of that girly crap.
And hey, what's Eric's secret? If you tell me, then maybe *I* won't be the one to tell the world yours >)
(Cristal: ....-_-;;; yeah um, Rink... is um... touchy about his... um frenchness? XD he gets all testy, guys are so unilateral)
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