It's been two days since I wrote my last post. Today, I woke up pretty moody. Classes were suspended since teachers had this big reunion. I took advantage of my free time to go to the gym. Not the one at school, mind you, but to one owned by a family friend about 5 blocks away from school. I told Cat there would be dancing and stuff, so I invited her to tag along.
Truth is, I go to this particular gym, because I get my dancing classes right there, and my training for the musical videos etc. Lin went with me too and we were exercising for a bit. She kept a distance from me today, since I seemed to be biting people.
Well, of course I was in a bad mood. For obvious reasons, which I don't want to bother writing down here.
My two only cousins called me today. Both of them... this morning... I don't know if I've mentioned them previously. There's Caroline Richardson Vasser and her older brother, Zachary. Carol's a lawyer... Zack's a big shot detective here in Boston. One called after the other to remind me that the 'Vasser family reunion' would be October 12. Great.
The Vassers are actually pretty cool. It's not that big a family anyways. We have Owen Vasser, my dad; his older sister, Pamela Maria Vasser and her husband Kailik Richardson; they're children Zack, who isn't married yet, and Caroline who's married to Leo and who have a son named after his uncle, Zachary too. My parental grandparents are a whole mystery. Johnathan Vasser married Amanda Avery and they both wanted "out" of the rich life style of the Vassers. They left their two children in the care of my great grandma Agatha Priscilla Piucelli (my great grandpa died YEARS ago). They disappeared shortly after, changing their names and living a hippie styled life, like most young people did back in the days. My great grandma kept the prestige in the family though, she gave her grandchildren the best of education. They both grew up within their rightful status. SHE is still alive (she's about 92 though...) and we're getting together with her too. Old crone will probably die any of these days, so might as well take advantage of her being her.
ANYWAYS, leaving aside my family history....
I AM SO PISSEDddddddddddddddddddddddd!! I can't TAKE Draven's CONSTANT FLIRTATIONS... and I told him so yesterday "DUDE... CUT THE CRAP". No I don't have PMS, NO I'm not hormonal.. it's just that, it's NOT happening, I'm not going to date you again... eh... wait... DIDn't I TELL HIM this ALREADY!?!?
AHHHHHHH!! I HATE him! I hate Rink's living guts. Why? DON'T bother to ask me, I don't know myself. Between his 'HAPPINESS' towards my relationship with Draven and this last one's constant teasing I'm going to kill myself, or BETTER yet, KILL THEM.
I hate it. I'm LONELY!
Oh.... they're knocking the door.... brb....
GUESS GUESS!! IT was... DIN DIN DIN... DRAVEN! He wanted a copy of our CD. Bullshit. I know he came to see me and see how I was. Technically, my instinct tells me... go for what's sure, date Draven... but right now, I want to take him and slam him against the wall.... NO, not in a passionate way... his head against the wall and hoping it cracks....
I'll just write music now.... tons of music.... tons and tons of music..... Oh. I know what will make me feel better. I don't know if I've mentioned it before.... but.... I have this platonic love... or well ideal love... but it's kinda dumb. You see, my parents used to send me to summer camps. When I was about 11, I went to this very cool one.
I met a boy there. He was SO CUTE... I can't remember him THAT well, since I was small, but I think I created around him what I wanted every one of my guys to be. He sent me FLOWERS... at that age.... and love letters!! I have every one of those letters stored away, safely... no one knows about him... since that's my own personal, treasured secret. I just wish that boy would return to me. I was taller than he was and I was a tad bit shy around guys during those days, but I also liked him... a lot. Such sweet love.... children love.... When I feel like this, lonely and that men suck, I just remember that summer and what it meant to me. Dumb, but BELIEVE me iT HELPS.
You know what? I think I know what I'll do with Rink. Yes. I know. I'll COMPLETELY ignore him and his fucking existence. He's leaving school in... what? Six months? I can handle ignoring him for that time... yep. Shouldn't be a problem.
And with Draven? I'll just be nice... he IS my pillar when i need him. see? I feel better already... mystery boy sure does help. Wish he had left his address or his name... It would've been nice to contact him.....
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