Let Go

Sunday, 3 June 2007

Last night I was walking through the school grounds late at night. I don't tend to sleep much. IN fact, I need very few hours of sleep.

As I walked through the darkness, it was so very relaxing. The trees whispered a soft song into the skies. While I trailed the familiar path of the 'forest' as I call it, the stars seemed to fall down. I looked up and I realized a showering of stars happening before my very eyes. It was strange to see all the lights slowly falling towards the land. I guess I'm a bit skeptic, but I thought, that even though it was beautiful it was also foreboding. Whatever it meant, I enjoyed it. You don't get to see that every day.

When the spectacle had finished I realized it was almost time for everyone to start waking up.

Aside from this, I went to see Caterina singing in a Festival. She did a great job and I congratulate her for it. You won't get many COMPLIMENTS from me, so when I SAY it's GOOD, it's because it's GOOD. So yeah, kuddos for you, Cat, you were wonderful!


As for the title of this entry, I love the song "let go" by Frou Frou. I know, it sounds strange, but it's worth it.


There's this guy in my class... he's been looking at me for several days. I think his name is Ivan, but I don't really know. I never pay attention to the list anyways, but he's very handsome...

AND... the Talent show is coming up....

Two words:


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